Age doesn’t matter, Salute sayo nay

After prioritizing her family and her health for much of her life, this Filipino grandmother finally fulfilled her dream of becoming a lawyer at 65 years old.

Four decades ago, Nancy Regis got pregnant at the age of 23.

It was during this time in her life that she made a choice not to pursue her goal of studying law in order to put first the dreams of her children to finish school.

She felt ready again to continue her lawyer dream 28 years ago, but was instead blessed with a different path that life had in store for her: a son to raise following her lovely daughters.

Just eight years ago, all of Nancy’s children became professionals. These include her son Napoleon, who narrated his mother’s inspiring tale of perseverance.

“But a great ordeal came upon receiving news concerning her health. The most dreaded condition threatened her very existence,” Napoleon posted without further details on the said condition.

Nancy went through major operations, treatments, therapies, and medications (as well as the bills that came with these), which she matched with prayers just to be safe.

“Year of battling passed and she overcame the most feared condition. We said to her that you have fought the good fight already, and it’s time to live a stress-free, healthy, and happy retired life. But no, she refused to settle there. She continued to work as a government employee for a living and finally studied law on weekends whilst being a mother, a grandmother, a wife, and a businesswoman,” Napoleon wrote.

A few years ago in 2020, Nancy graduated from law school to earn her Juris Doctor degree. She then went on to take the Bar exam in November 2022 for the first time.

Her family made sure not to add any more pressure to her lifelong goal.”

We frequently reminded her that being able to graduate from law school, going through the bar review, and taking the bar exam together with people twice or thrice as young as her age, is already something to celebrate! So just keep calm and take the exam as if it’s just another pop quiz,” Napoleon said.

When the results were released on April 14, the family was glad to learn that Nancy had another title to add on top of being a mother, grandmother, wife, and businesswoman. Now a senior citizen, she has officially earned the title of “attorney.””

To everyone who is reading this, if you are going through something unspeakable, if you are enduring a silent battle, if you think you are not enough because you lack financial support, you have so many priorities, you feel too old, you feel left behind, and if you are dreaming and hoping of something that seems so so far away, hang on to that flicker of hope inside you. And let this be a sign, a testament that in time, in God’s precious perfect time, also YOU CAN MAKE IT!” Napoleon concluded his congratulatory post.

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